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Ways to Support NMCC​


  • Online Bill Pay:  Become a Sustaining Member by signing up through your bank’s online banking bill pay for automatic drafting to NMCC, or go to our website and sign up for recurring payments:

  • Mail checks payable to NMCC. Mail and deposits are being processed weekly.

  • Make a donation through our website  Click “Online Giving” at the top of the page, and just follow the instructions,

  • Mobile Donation using GivePlus+ App or by Texting – See details below*.   Contact Cal Price

  • Donate stock. Contact

  • Buy grocery cards for Stop & Shop, Roberts, Big Y and ShopRite and support your church.  Contact Cal Price

  • Include NMCC in your will.  Have you included NMCC in your will?  John Gallops would be happy to talk with you.


Thank you for the many ways you contribute your love and support of NMCC and our ministries!


*Mobile App and Text Giving Program:  We have enhanced our Electronic Giving platform. This platform will allow you to express your generosity through Electronic Giving, from the palm of your hand.    Simply download the GivePlus+ App from Vanco Co., our online give partner.   Or you may text NMCC using a 10-digit number (see below).



Download the Give Plus+ App from the Apple or Google Store.  Four steps to give:

Step 1:  Select NMCC as your church

Step 2: Designate the giving amount 00.00 and frequency

Step 3:  Complete your Credit Card or Check info

Step 4:  Submit

A Receipt will be sent to your email.



Step 1: Text 833-948-2188 (this is for NMCC only)

Step 2: Enter the amount you’d like to donate (ex. 20.00) and send

Step 3: You will receive a text link to follow (your first time)

Step 4: Complete credit card and donation amount information

Step 5: Submit

Receipt will be texted to you. 

  • Note: Once you set up your initial information, you will just need to add the dollar amount and it will automatically process. Unfortunately, at this time it just goes in as a general donation. If it is for something specific, like grocery cards for example, please email or call Rhonda, or 203-421-3241, option 5, to let her know the specifics.


Updating Our Advance Directives

This is a perfect time to take the opportunity to write or update your advance medical directive. Being prepared, and documenting your wishes in writing, is a gift to those who love you, and peace of mind for you.

Below are some helpful resources to ensure those close to you are aware of, and prepared to carry out, your wishes if you become sick and cannot communicate on your own behalf.


Consider taking this opportunity to talk together as a family about each of your end of life wishes. You may also want to talk about favorite poems, passages, musical selections, or even quirky things unique to you, that you would like included in your celebration of life, when that day comes.

We would be glad to hold a copy of all of this in the church office, if that is helpful.


Thoughtful resources from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Foundation on Advanced Directives and End of Life Planning:


Connecticut’s Advanced Directives Form:


North Madison Congregational Church

1271 Durham Road

Madison, CT  06443



No matter who you are

or where you are on life's journey

you're welcome here.

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