North Madison
Congregational Church
Adult Enrichment
We encourage our members and friends to use their gifts and interests to develop both spiritual and non-spiritual events, offering our congregation learning and fellowship opportunities. In addition to Bible studies, Evening Vespers, special Advent and Lenten series, speakers from the local Missions we support, and pot luck suppers featuring generosity moments and stories, we have also enjoyed an eagle watch, a wildflower hike, discussions on monarch butterflies and pollinators, a discussion exploring “Ways to Pray,” and a book club.
Book Discussion Group
Stay tuned for our next book
and meeting information!
Weekly Vespers &
Bible Study
Wednesday Evening Vespers Prayer: Join us Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. on Facebook. If you don’t have Facebook you can view them later on our Church Website.
Thursday Bible Study: Join Pastor Heather Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m. The week’s passages and Zoom Link to join is in the Friday all church email each week. Absolutely no previous scripture knowledge is required.