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We are Open and Affirming



No matter who you are,

or where you are on life's journey,

you are safe and welcome here. 


Open and Affirming (ONA) Covenant adopted February 5, 2017 : 

We, the members of North Madison Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, commit ourselves publicly to be an Open and Affirming Community.  Grateful to God for creating us in our rich variety, we gather to worship, serve and model justice in an unjust world.  As followers of Jesus, we promise our love and support to all persons, embracing differences of age, race, ethnicity, mental and physical capability, marital choice, sexual orientation, gender identity, faith background and socio-economic status.  Upheld by the Spirit, we welcome the authenticity of each other and affirm the dignity and worth of every person.  Together, we create a safe inclusive community where we are called to witness God’s love for the world.

We offer room to share your questions and curiosity: 


  • Weddings, baptisms, and Communion for ALL

  • Access for those with mobility challenges

  • Vibrant virtual and in-person worship Sundays 10:00 a.m. 

  • Progressive Bible Study

  • “Our Whole Lives” sexuality education for youth

  • Community involvement & support of youth and adults at risk 




North Madison Congregational Church

1271 Durham Road

Madison, CT  06443



No matter who you are

or where you are on life's journey

you're welcome here.

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