North Madison
Congregational Church

Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration: Please join us on Sunday, January 16, 2022, during worship as we celebrate our 4th Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration. We will observe the life and teachings of Dr. King with our guest speaker Pat Wilson Pheanious. Ms. Pheanious is a former CT State Representative and Co-Chair of the Witness Stones Project. Ms. Pheanious will speak on “Reconciling the Dream: Truth, America’s History and the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King”. We look forward to having her as our honored guest.
Elected to the Connecticut General Assembly in November 2018, Pat became the State’s first person of color to represent a rural, predominantly white District—the towns of Ashford, Tolland and Willington. She served in the CT General Assembly, House of Representatives until January 2021.
Pat learned of her ancestors’ role in colonial Guilford, CT (1727), through the groundbreaking work of the Witness Stones Project in the summer of 2017. She joined the Board of Directors when the program incorporated and became its Co-Chair in 2019.
A proud wife, mother, and grandmother, Pat delights in the recent birth of her husband’s first great grandchild. She lives happily in her childhood home in Ashford with her husband Robert and her 20 year-old cat, Mickey.

Celebrate Juneteenth with NMCC. More information to come closer to the date.

Christmas Caroling
Each year we get together to bring some Christmas cheer to our community and friends. Check back in December for details about this year's event.